About me

I’m a senior Javascript engineer with 7 years of experience in web development.

Currently based in Stockholm, Sweden.

I work as a full stack senior engineer at Klarna, where my team is building cutting edge post-purchase experiences with Node.js and React.

I love electronic music, tinkering with my "server room" and spending my hard-earned money on mechanical keyboards and backpacks 🎒. More on that in my /uses page!

Sport-wise, I run 🏃 and boulder 🧗‍♀️ quite a lot. I also mountain bike around Sweden during the summer 🚵‍♂️.

About this website

I use this website to learn and experiment with technologies and ideas. It is a space where I can share my findings and my work with you while growing as a "technical writer". Welcome on board ⛵️

More details about the technologies behind the scenes in this article: Introducing the new oscarmarion.dev.

Want to get in touch?

I'm always happy to have a chat! Feel free to drop me a message on Linkedin.