notesHow to manually trigger DDNS update on a UDM Pro
August 19, 2023

How to manually trigger DDNS update on a UDM Pro

Dynamic DNS updates on the UDM Pro get triggered whenever your WAN IP address changes. But what if you need to trigger an update yourself?

I ran into this issue today, and to my surprise, there is no way of doing that from the Unifi Dashboard. While most of the responses you will find on Ubiquiti's forums and on Reddit suggest restarting the console altogether, u/TheFuer on Reddit posted a much better way to do it, using the CLI.

First, connect to your UDM Pro via SSH. You can follow this guide if you don't have it setup yet.

1. Determine the config/command that the UDM is using by typing this command:

It should return something similar to this:

2. Run inadyn with a force flag to force the update. Replace The path with the one the previous command returned:

You should get the following once the update is successful: